(Fri Oct 13, 2006)
#303:"End of ..."
linked entry
===> End of destruction|依佐美送信所
- Previous challenges:
- 'The Road'(Fri May 19, 2006) #443:"on the bike"
===> Wandering 'bout the backstreets|路地裏を行く- 'Home'(Fri May 26, 2006) #352:"In the wall"
===> Cafeに住みついた犬|Home in the wall- 'New'(Fri Jun 02, 2006)#354:"before renewal"
===> End of destruction|依佐美送信所- 'Automotive'(Fri Jun 16, 2006) #215:"polka-dotted"
===> 水玉模様 | raindrops polka-dotted mini cooper- 'Health'(Fri Jun 23, 2006) #130:"indispensable"
===> Volvic X waves- 'Happiness Is...'(Fri Jun 30, 2006)#386:"Family"
===> BARBAPAPA X Volvic | コンプリート X 3 + 1- This week's challenge:'Summer'(Fri Jul 07, 2006) #549:"Morning glory"
===> something on the road- This week's challenge:'Circle'(Fri Aug 25, 2006) #146:"setting sun"
===> Sun setting in the dust|黄砂の中で霞む夕陽 - 'Home'(Fri May 26, 2006) #352:"In the wall"
- PHOTO FRIDAYについては,こちら.