click to enlarge/taken on 2006-6-11
- Other photos:
- 夕景|up in the sky
- Walls come tumbling down
- Clouds travel unexpectedly fast|意外に雲は早く移動する
- Sun setting in the dust|黄砂の中で霞む夕陽
- End of destruction|依佐美送信所
- 夕景|orange colored sky
- Cafeに住みついた犬|Home in the wall
- 水玉模様
- 麦畑の中で佇む自転車
- 背中に背負ったもの
- 背中に背負ったものU|loaded on the back II
- インスタレーション?
- インスタレーションU
- INSTALLATION III|Rythm of planting red cans
- INSTALLATION IV|many white pyramids appear suddenly
- Thru the train window
- Blue sky on one day #1 | it sometimes makes me feel brand-new
- Blue sky on one day #2 | it sometimes makes me feel brand-new
- Blue sky on one day #3 | it sometimes makes me feel brand-new
- Full of colors
- 夕景 | Moon in the blue
- A hut in ruins | 依佐美送信所,その後
- wood and steel | stay and move
- Walls come tumbling down
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